No leg mobility, but rock climbing is not impossible.
You just clicked this headline, and if it seems difficult to climb with full mobility of your body and a general healthy living, imagine now how is Nefty Pizarro lifestyle. He is just a 16 year old boy living with Spastic Diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy, which limited his legs mobility since he was 7 years old and lives in a children shelter home in Corozal, Puerto Rico.
Although his mobility is limited, his will is recognized by everyone around him, the social workers and staff of the shelter home. The first time we met, we got that same impression about him. Roca Norte Outdoor Climbing Gym offers the opportunity to children in shelters to get rock climbing trips at no cost through the support of beginner and experienced climbers who donate and visit us in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. Nefty and a group of children from the shelter visited, however it was not clear if he wanted to try it. After the group of 20 kids finished their experience and were repeatedly taking about how great was it, Nefty confessed to Kenneth Irizarry, that he was decided to try it. Even that it was surprising for everyone, as he was going to be the first person in Puerto Rico to climb with no leg mobility, we all felt empowered by his energy and determination. It was going to be a new experience for the climbing staff, for him, but also for the other kids that were also closely watching incredulous. We had no obvious plan other than help him while he was top roping, however he was decided to use the well developed strength of his upper body, as he is also a team player of National Wheelchair Basketball. He started climbing while doing pull ups with the assistance of Kenneth. He went all the way up and succeeded. Everything in his path was conquered. That day he taught everyone present, what a person is capable of.

Roca Norte Outdoor Climbing Gym is a crag with all the services of a climbing gym, located in Vega Baja Puerto Rico. Your visit makes possible for us to offer guided climbing trips at no cost for socially and economically disadvantage children. For more information visit:
Marianela Mercado andmKenneth Irizarry
Owners and Founders – Roca Norte Outdoor Climbing Gym